Our commitment to the educational ministries can be discovered here


Something for Everyone!

We have a wide range of study programs which will meet most needs.  We have an education program on a weekly basis for our Children and Youth.  We also have weekly various Bible Studies throughout the week as well.  Below is a list of our basic offerings.  If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact our office at (724) 834-4750 or [email protected]

For Children

We want our children to know that God loves each of them and has a purpose for their lives. We want them to understand who God is and why He sent His Son to save us, as well as be able to live, explain and defend their faith in Christ.
Our curriculum year is Lectionary Based Training to Instruct our children and youth in a manner that is biblically based centered in Christ based from our Sunday Lectionary so that the children and youth can go home and share each Sunday readings together..

Please note: Sunday School for all ages begins at 10:15 a.m. in the Undercroft of the Church.

  • Nursery
    The nursery, which is located downstairs from the sanctuary, is a safe and comfortable place for infants and young children to be while their parents are at church.
  • Preschool
    Children learn how Jesus loves us and that we are to share that love with others. They begin to form their relationship with God.
  • Kindergarten - 5th Grade
    The children come to know the history of God's people from creation to the first century church through reading from the Old and New Testaments.
    They learn the basics of Christian doctrine and our church traditions.
    They are, by fifth grade, able to explain what it means to be a Christian, both our salvation and how to live our faith. They continue to form their relationship with God.

    • 6th Grade - 8th Grade
      The children come to know the history of God's people from creation to the first century church through reading from the Old and New Testaments.
      They learn the basics of Christian doctrine and our church traditions in a very interactive and exciting environment.  

    For Adults

    • Adult Monthly Studies
      Christ's Church Book Club
      Various Thursdays at various times (see calendar).
      In the Diane Robertson Room. Childcare provided.
    • Women's Day Out - Tuesdays
      9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
      September through May in the Diane Robertson Room.
      Childcare provided.
    • Women's Day Out - Wednesdays
      9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
      September through May in the Diane Robertson Room.
      Childcare provided.
    • Men’s Huddle Bible Study - Thursdays
      9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
      September through May in the Library