Frequently Asked Questions of Christ’s Church

FAQs for Christ’s Church


Frequently Asked Questions

About Us

About Christ’s Church, Greensburg 

We are a small Anglican church located in downtown Greensburg, Pennsylvania.  First established in 1823, we are one of the oldest churches in this region and have a long history full of rich traditions, poignant sacrifices, and amazing stories.  

We are affiliated with the Anglican Church of North American and are a member of its Pittsburgh Diocese.  We typically have two Sunday morning Communion services: our 8:00 am service that does not have a music and a 10:30 am service that does. 



Rector: The Reverend Jeff Wylie

Deacon: The Reverend Gretchen Peske

Honorary Asst Rector: The Most Reverend Robert Duncan

Deacon Emeritus: The Reverend Ruth Manson


Church Address: 145 North Main St., Greensburg, PA 15601 (corner of Tunnel & Main)

Office and Education Center:  122 North Maple Ave., Greensburg, PA 15601 (Park in gravel lot off John Reese Way)

Phone: 724-834-4750


Parking is available in the public lot across Main Street, along Main Street, and along Maple Avenue 

Please do not park in the paved parking lot, directly behind the church (a printing company); your car may will get towed!

       Wheelchair Access:

Look for the red side door to our church on Tunnel Street between Maple Avenue and Main Street 

There’s a ramp right in front of this door 

Drop off your passenger and then unload their wheelchair on the wheelchair ramp 

Once inside, there is a ramp to the floor beneath our worship area as well as a motorized ramp/lift that the person in the wheelchair rides to the upstairs 

Easy Peasy!

About Our Services

        What to Expect:

A greeter will say “Hi” to you, give you a bulletin, and point to an open pew

Our service follows a standard and defined script—that is what is meant by a liturgy—we are a liturgical church following pretty much what our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and those before us followed

We stand, we kneel for prayers (if able), we sit, and we walk to the front of the church to receive Communion at the point in the service

We do offer Communion to all baptized Christians; Communion is part of service every week

        What Should I Wear?

Entirely your call—there is no dress code

Some wear a sports jacket but no tie; suits are seldom seen

Others wear jeans and a nice top

Most wear dress slacks with a dress or polo shirt 

Our worship room—called a “Sanctuary”—has a brand new air conditioner and heater, so don’t overdress thinking you will be cold: you will not!

Bottom Line: You decide!

         How Long is Each Service?

The 8:00 service is usually between 45—55 minutes long

The 10:30 service is longer because of music and lasts about 75 minutes 

        What’s the Music Like?

At the 8:00 service, there is no music

At the 10:30, the service starts with an opening hymn taken from our hymnal

o There are some contemporary songs usually during the time we collect an offering as well as during the time while everyone takes their turn to receive Communion

o We also have short songs interspersed a few times during the service

o What is really cool about these brief recitals is that they are as old as our tradition meaning we sing the songs that have been passed down through the centuries connecting us today to those who went ahead of us

        How About the Sermons?

In our Anglican tradition, sermons are called “Homilies”  

They are a specialized sermon tying together the Bible readings we have each Sunday in an 8-10 minute message

The focus of our service is on Communion, not sermons, but it is important to reflect on the readings and how we might apply them in our daily faith walks which describes the purpose of a homily 

        About Communion:

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper—what we call Communion—at each Service every Sunday

All who have been baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, regardless of their denomination, are invited to celebrate Communion with us

We do use Communion wine, not grape juice.  Communion wine has very low alcohol content and a person only gets a sip or dips the Communion wafer into the cup

      About Marriages, Baptisms, Funerals, and Special Services:

We are a church that has two dominical (From the Lord) Sacraments which are Baptism and Eucharist and Five others we consider sacraments are Reconciliation, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.  For any sacramental questions or needs please call the office.

Please call the office for any Funeral information as well as end of life needs.  

Please call us to discuss to see if we are able to meet your needs 

        About Our Beliefs:

Because the Anglican tradition traces its roots back to 5th Century AD when St. Augustine traveled to England to introduce individuals to the Living Christ, we have a rich tradition filled with stirring prose describing our faith and our beliefs (Celtic Christianity was already present when St. Augustine Arrived.  We hold that we are the Third Church.  Roman Church, Eastern Church, English (Celtic) Church.  I can get you more info if you would like.) We think that Paul composed his letter to Christians in Rome sometime in the 50s, likely 54–55 or 55–56 CE. Claudius had conquered Britain in 43CE, so it’s possible that there were some Christians among the invading Romans or their auxiliaries or the merchants and tradesmen who came with them. Christianity had a foothold in Britain, but it didn’t get a proper organized church until St. Augustine arrived in the sixth century. Church in the original sense, of home groups who assembled for a meal and worship as they had in Paul’s Corinth, probably goes back in Britain to the 1st century, but it will have been pushed to the brink by the Saxon invasions after 450.

A great starting point to understand what we believe is to read and ponder the Nicene Creed

         How do I get involved? 

The sooner you get involved with us, the sooner we will become a family to you

Many newcomers start small: they help in an area they feel comfortable with

o In the kitchen during one of our seven Salad bars we hold each year or with coffee hour after a service you select to support 

o In the nursery or with the Youth

o Joining one of Bible Studies held during weekdays and evenings 

o Helping out every now and then with a building maintenance project

o Or maybe with our annual picnic

o As an usher/greeter/Altar Guild member 12 times a year (or 6, if shared with someone else)

o Just ask anyone and they can give you some ideas

What to do in case of an Emergency?

Emergency Procedures

What to do if we are experiencing inclement weather?

Inclement Weather Notification